Minhaj for Online Classes
Arabic & Islamic
في حب اللغة العربية
دائما ما كنت مأخوذا بالأسلوب القرآني في القصص، والكتابة، ولا ريب فهو أعظم ما كُتب بالعربية. ولما بلغتُ أَشدِّي واستويت، وبدأت أقرأ في العربية والأدب العربي "قديمه وحديثه، والأسلوب الكتابي، ازداد تعجبي وإعجابي باللغة العربية، ليس فقط بالأسلوب وقدرة اللغة فيما حوته من تعبيرات، وإنها بالقدرة الإلهية التي حبت الإنسان بذالك العقل الذي ما انفك أن يُريِ تلك الهبة التي أُعطيها في التعبير "منطوقا أو مكتوبا".
علي بن ربن الطبري
كانت مؤلفات العرب ومصنفاتهم قيِّمة، مرتبة ومبوبة أحسن تبويب، وكان المؤلفون يذكرون المصادر التي نقلوا عنها بكل دقة وأمانة، ويظهر من مؤلفاتهم أنهم كانوا ذوي نظر ثاقب، وبحث عميق ،واطلاع واسع. وقد عبثت أيدي الزمن بأكثر هذه المؤلفات فلم يصل منها إلينا إلا النزر اليسير، وهذا القيل لم ينل حظه من الدرس الوافي، بل لا يزال أكثره مودعا في المكاتب والمتاحف، فلا يمكن تقدير قيمته قبل أن يكشف الدرس عنه الستار . أما بعد؛ فنحن بصدد الحديث عن أحد الأساطين في علم الطب، وكذلك مقارنة الأديان(علي بن ربن الطبري ت 247 ه). فهو شخصية عظيمة من الشخصيات المسيحية قبل إسلامها، وقد صدق النبي (ص) حين قال خياركم في الجاهلية خياركم في الإسلام إذا فقهوا" وتكمن عظمته في علوم الطبيعة، والطب، كما سنذكر لاحقا، وكذلك في مقارنة الأديان.
Admitting the mistake
In the realm of education, honesty is a virtue that holds immense significance. As teachers, our responsibility extends beyond imparting knowledge and skills to our students. We have the unique privilege of shaping their minds, fostering their growth, and preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead. Honesty, therefore, becomes a fundamental pillar in establishing a strong teacher-student relationship and fostering a positive learning environment.
Learning Objectives “LO”
In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to write effective learning objectives to improve your instructional design skills. Our step-by-step instructions and examples will help you craft clear and concise learning outcomes that align with your curriculum or training goals.
Mohammad Omar Achievement
We are delighted to congratulate Mohammad Omar on a tremendous achievement in his Quranic education. Mohammad has successfully completed half of the Quran at Minhaj's online Quran and Tajweed classes, and we are thrilled to celebrate this milestone with him along with his teacher Ragab Kamal.
Tips for Learning Arabic
"Are you interested in learning Arabic? As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, Arabic is an incredibly valuable language to know for personal, professional, and educational purposes. However, learning a new language can be challenging, personally, I have met a lot of students and learners who are interested in learning the Arabic language, then after a short period they decide not to continue due to the challenges and difficulties they are facing.
Arabic Dialects
Discover the rich diversity of Arabic dialects spoken across the Middle East and North Africa. From the Egyptian dialect to the Gulf dialect, explore the unique features of each dialect, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Whether you're a language learner, a cultural enthusiast, or a traveler, this guide will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Arabic language and its regional variations.
Ebrahim Qazi Certificate
Congratulations on completing the recitation of the Holy Quran during the blessed month of Ramadan! This is a remarkable achievement, and your dedication and hard work have paid off. Your commitment to this noble act is an inspiration to us all, especially at such a young age. May Allah bless you and continue to guide you on the righteous path. Well done!
Inclusive Pedagogy
Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog “ Teacher’s Diary”: So at this point, you may be thinking how on earth do I create an inclusive learning environment by incorporating inclusive pedagogical practices, when students are geographically separated from one another?
learning’s Barriers
Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog “ Teacher’s Diary”: Here in this article, I’d like to cover four reasons that cause the educational barriers that give us as educators the impression that our students were not paying attention, in the meantime she/he could have been doing their best to make the best of the lesson during the session.
Showing Gratitude
Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog “ Teacher’s Diary”: “ The bottom line here is whether you are a parent or an educator, or even a friend, you should often show gratitude to learners, it is a great support and pushes even to get better in some other parts of their lives, emotionally and practically”.
Why I like Teaching
Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog about “ Teacher’s Diary”: Why do I like teaching? Why do I find it interesting through the difficulties? Here I share with you some thoughts about how I find teaching and Education. I always appreciate the time with my students/learners. The classes could be Face to Face or online classes.
Sarah El-bakiouli
Many congratulations to Sarah El-bakiouli for her dedication to learning the Holy Quran, and Tajweed online classes. She has finished and practiced 7 Juz’ of the Quran online classes, and the Tajweed rules of the Noon Sakin and Tanween.
Why I choose Islam
In an interview with him in the German language, Professor “Hasan Gunter Al-Kindi” mentioned his journey from Christianity to Islam, a journey that was not easy at all, and which not only changed his personal life.
لماذا اخترت الإسلام
في لقاء له باللغة الألمانية يحكي الأستاذ “حسن جونتر الكندي”رحلته من المسيحية إلى الإسلام، في رحلة لم تكن باليسيرة على الإطلاق، والتي لم تغير مسار حياته الشخصية فقط، وإنما حياته المهنية، فقد غير الأستاذ حسن جونتر مكان معيشته من ألمانيا إلى مصر
Hasan Günter Obituary
He said, “I got a taste of Berlin air for the first time in the 20th century. My parents were evangelical and that's why I was baptized in an evangelical church under the name Günter”.
Why Online Education?
Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog “ Teacher’s Diary”: “Online Education is an important tool for lifelong learning. With the pace of technological change and the constantly evolving job market, it is more important than ever to continue learning throughout one's life. Online education provides an accessible and convenient way to do so”.
Zain Al-Abideen Syed
Many congratulations to Zain Al-Abideen Syed - who is only 5 years old -for his dedication to learning the Quran, and Arabic online classes. He has finished and practiced the “ Ten Suras” of the Quran online classes.
Haajar Zahra Syed
It is my pleasure to present Haajar being selected as the best student of the month due to her consistency and behavior during the classes, Haajar lives in the UK,
Inaya Kharmich
Many congratulations to Inaya Kharmich for her dedication to learning the Quran, and Arabic online classes. She has finished and practiced the “Yellow level” of the Quran online classes.