Showing Gratitude

Teacher’s Diary - Episode 05- Ragab Kamal

Where I was born “Al-Gberaya” is a small village where everyone knows each other. The majority of the population work in the field after they finish their daily job.

It was like one big family living in the same area, with no newspaper or even the Internet they got to manage to stay in contact, knowing the history of all families in the village. So It was important for the families to get to know the people who their kids contact with, play with, friends, etc. So it was important for them not only to know their children’s teachers personally, but also to know their background, their families, and how they were grown up. It means a lot to the families when they know that - for example - Mr. Ahamd who lives in the neighborhood is their kids’ school teacher. This makes it easier for the families to follow up with them regarding their children’s behavior, as well as their educational progress. Not to forget to mention that being a teacher - back then - was one of the most prestigious and honorable professions that someone may get. Actually one of the meanings of the “term” teacher in the Arabic language is “Ustadh”, which automatically turned out to be an honorable term people started to use if they would like to show appreciation for others by addressing someone who is not a teacher but he/ she is an honored and respected rank. It equals in English the term “Sir”. As well as it shouldn’t be used to address the wrong person.

Although this article is not meant to discuss or share more information about my childhood, or my experience with the teachers. But It goes about an important tip I would like to share with all parents, teachers, and family members.

One of the best / or it could be frightening moments for me was when my parents met my teacher who lives nearby, or when they even meet on the farm wondering how I’m doing at school. If the teacher was happy and he shows to the parents how good I’m at school, then it turns to be the best moment. However, none ever wishes to be told that his school teacher is complaining about his/ her attitude at school. Although, knowing about the teacher’s satisfaction himself was now that important for us than it is to know that our parents are pleased with us. that would give us credit for the next some days practicing our best hoppy like any other kid as a troublemaker. The kids could see how pleased in their parents are through their eyes, and their actions with them at home. Such a moment nowadays seems like when someone posts a video or photo on the internet and then gets many nice and good comments about the beautiful the picture is. It was very rare to hear a parent saying to his kid how satisfied he is.

A few cases would get the learners’ parents get to admit their satisfaction with their school level such as after a high score on the monthly test, receiving a school reward, some school gratitude letters, etc.

The bottom line here is whether you are a parent or an educator, or even a friend, you should often show gratitude to learners, it is a great support and pushes even to get better in some other parts of their lives, emotionally and practically. They often like to feel and get the experience of how good they are. Not to mention that is a normal feeling that we - adults- get to feel. We appreciate being appreciated no matter what we do. We could say it clearly to them, take them out specifically as a reward, buy them some, especially in a term of showing gratitude.

You can share with us in the comment section your experience with the Showing Gratitude you had, and how it afffected your life.


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