Minhaj for Online Classes
Arabic & Islamic

Admitting the mistake
Teacher's Diary, Ragab Kamal Ragab Kamal Teacher's Diary, Ragab Kamal Ragab Kamal

Admitting the mistake

In the realm of education, honesty is a virtue that holds immense significance. As teachers, our responsibility extends beyond imparting knowledge and skills to our students. We have the unique privilege of shaping their minds, fostering their growth, and preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead. Honesty, therefore, becomes a fundamental pillar in establishing a strong teacher-student relationship and fostering a positive learning environment.

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Showing Gratitude
Teacher's Diary, Ragab Kamal Rajab Kamaluden Teacher's Diary, Ragab Kamal Rajab Kamaluden

Showing Gratitude

Ragab Kamal writes in his Blog “ Teacher’s Diary”: “ The bottom line here is whether you are a parent or an educator, or even a friend, you should often show gratitude to learners, it is a great support and pushes even to get better in some other parts of their lives, emotionally and practically”.

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