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The Snape Teachers

In this article, I’d like to analyze professor snape ways of teaching, I consider him one of the top ten best teachers for different reasons which I shall elaborate on below. I’d rather call it “The Snape Teaching”, as it is really clear in his character as we see in the series of Harry Potter movies. Professor Snape has got a completely different way of understanding teaching. He is one of those teachers you get scared of, even without dealing with him in person, which is understandable, he is quite ambiguous, doesn’t speak that much, and doesn’t be harsh on his students sometimes.

Let’s see why I find him an interesting, and worthy to be one of the best teachers:

1- Reasonable: Although he looks scary, impatience, calm, and hardly opens his mouth when he is talking, he gets hard on his students, he doens’t hesitate to punch and punish his students if they deserve it.

BUT his harsh ways are always limited, it deosn’t reach or exceed the accepted average, he could just knock his students on the head if they truly deserve it, which could be understood from his own perspective as some sort of discipline. not to mention that nowadays teachers are now allowed in a way or another to touch the students, but it is not meant to be discussed here in such an article.

2- Responsible: he wouldn’t hesitate for a second to support or protect them if they need it. Even though sometimes he doesn't like to be surrounded by such idiots students - as he considers them - he is always willing and ready to defend them and to keep them safe, as it is part of his duty. I find it an example of how the teachers are dedicated to their job and duty regardless of any other thoughts they may think about the students. He knows back in his mind that such students are his responsibility, he is not only responsible for teaching them, but also to keep them always safe. In the transforming scene, he was there to protect his students when they were about to die or to get attacked by the wolf, he was willing to defend them till his death.

3- Dedicated: An example of a teacher who always does his best. However his capacity is not the best thing the teacher could have, and sometimes it doesn't work out for them as he is expecting, sometimes he fails, sometimes he successes. He is just a human though. But I say that he has got what is needed to make him a special teacher; care, love, dedication, and belief in them in his students.

4- Loyal: Administration and educational parts made him special,  When he applied for the teaching opportunity at the Hogwarts school, he was applying for the teaching against the dark magic vacancy, but he failed all evaluation tests, however; he managed to work it out and get another opportunity to teach at the same school another subject.  His loyalty and passion to his field, school, and the school admin. Although the students would see him as a tough teacher, they would never dare to look in his eye, you find him completely loyal to the school principal and obey what he is told by his boss "Professor Dombldor". He was an example and showed the best way of understanding and following what the schoolmaster sees. No matter what sort of pressure he has, he never let the schoolmaster down.

5- Modest: He doesn’t like to show off: for years some students thought that he is the wrong person at the wrong place, they use to think he is just an evil teacher, and even Harry Potter himself thought that he betrayed the school as he killed the schoolmaster, however, he was ordered to do so by the headmaster himself, it was just a plan to be able to protect the students. He has never tried to explain or reveal such a misunderstanding till the last moment of his life.

To conclude I say; The Snape professors, seem to be harsh teachers, tough, not funny, and they don't like jokes, but, if the school or their students ever need them, they are always there as it is their duty to a part of being annoyed by the kids or the school working pressure, the snape teachers know what they need to be done at the right time, and that is crystal clear when he was teaching Harry the occlumency lessons, i find it REALLY interesting way of teaching as a matter of fact, it is what is called coaching, natural coaching to reaching the needed results.