Samih - October 2020

Congratulations to our new student of the month! Well done, Samih!

Samih is 8 years old and lives in Ohio, USA. He is a really independent young man who gets on with his work and can always be relied on to do his homework without asking others to help him. He is always enthusiastic in class. He started just last year and is getting on so well that soon he could be an Arabic teacher!

I love teaching Samih because he is so pleasant, full of ideas and even teaches me qualities such as patience, not to mention the

Tic Tac Toe Game at which he normally wins against me!

Very well done, Samih. You're a real star and one day you will make a wonderful contribution to your family and to society. The world needs more people like you!

Well done Samih! You truly deserve the award!!


Haaniyah & Rehana - November 2020


Joseph & Peter - September 2020