Ali & Hadi - June 2021

Congratulations to Ali and Hadi, from London, two brothers who share the award of Student of the Month. They truly deserve the award for their hard work over many months. 

 Ali is 13.  He never misses class, even though he already has a heavy schedule from his normal schooling. In just a few months, he has learned to read Arabic.   In addition, he has memorized ten suras of the Noble Quran.  Teaching him is very rewarding because he is always enquiring about aspects of Islam and the Arabic language.

 Hadi is 11.  He is an equally good student who listens attentively to his teacher and acts promptly on the teacher's advice.  He is particularly outstanding in his recitation of several short suras of the Quran. He tries so very hard when it comes to learning Arabic and reading the Quran and his hard work is really paying off. 

Well done to both Ali and Hadi, our two well-deserved students of the month!


Lynne & Abdel aziz


Adam & Ahmad - May 2021