Adam & Ahmad - April 2022

Many congratulations to the two brothers Adam and Ahmad from Florida, USA, students of the month for April 2022!! 
Adam is 14 years old and Ahmad is 13 years old. 

They truly deserve such an award for many reasons:

1- Never been late for the lesson.

2- Always start with the Islamic greeting.

3- Good memorization most of the time.

4- The rapid and impressive progress in reading the Noble Qur’an.

5- Respect the teacher, listen well, and try to understand what I explain during the lesson.

6- They are rarely absent, and if they do, then with a prior excuse.

And many other things where there is not enough room be mentioned.

Finally, I say to them: “May God bless you and benefit you, and may God reward you with the best reward.”


Umar Abu Ahmed - May 2022


Yousef Amr - March 2022