On this page, I’d love to share with you some pictures of the places where I have been to or I read about where I’d like to visit one day, the pictures

I’m a traveler; and I like to call myself an Egyptian nomad, but in a different and recent meaning I like to use, which means that I don’t have to be there by myself, or physically, people could travel back to the history by reading about some stories and books.

It is not a new philosophy I’m initiating regarding traveling, but I say of course going to the places by ourselves to experience. However; due to the massive technological development, we can see and observe, new places as much as we can, to get to know more about the culture, language, food, dance, music, and festival.

In other words, although I haven’t been all over the world, I may have friends from different countries who report and share with us more about their countries, or show us some places you may not find on the internet. could be taken by me personally, or by a friend of mine; to who I will make sure I introduce him/her.

I always have had a passion for going to different places, cities, and even new countries. View of some places and cities always provides you with passion, gets you inspired in your life, or at least changes your mood.
As a matter of fact, I’m not claiming that I’m the best one who takes pictures, but I just love it, I love saving memories of such good times I spent or such nice feelings I had

Al Sayeda Nafisa Mosque
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Al Sayeda Nafisa Mosque

It is built to commemorate Sayyida Nafisa, an acclaimed Islamic scholar and a member of the Bayt (household) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The mosque has Sayyida Nafisa's mausoleum inside. Along with the necropolis around it, it is listed as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Historic Cairo.

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Basel- Schweiz
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Basel- Schweiz

Basel is a city in northwestern Switzerland on the river Rhine.

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Bastler Dom Münster
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Bastler Dom Münster

Basel Minster is a religious building in the Swiss city of Basel, originally a Catholic cathedral and today a Reformed Protestant church.

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Maria Laach
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Maria Laach

The abbey church of Maria Laach is considered a masterpiece of German Romanesque architecture, with its multiple towers, large west-work with the arcaded gallery, and unique west porch.

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Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden


Frankfurt, Germany, is among the top cities with a free business environment. Frankfurt is a good place to live with high ratings in travel connectivity, safety, and healthcare.

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