Why learn online

Most of using different online technologies, as part of their everyday lives, without really thinking about it. Whether it's shopping, paying bills, booking a holiday, or keeping in touch with family or friends, the internet has fundamentally changed, how we communicate, work and share information.

Technology changes quickly, so we have to focus on understanding effective pedagogical strategies, rather than just focusing on the technology itself. In this way, we can continue to adapt to whatever changes come our way in the future. Integrating technology into our teaching is an important option to consider. Our society has fundamentally changed. And we all need to change with it. But in a way that works best for our students and for ourselves. This course can help you with this. In addition to painting the bigger picture. We wanted to outline a few practical reasons why it's worth your while to learn how to teach either fully online or blended courses. We'll explore many of these ideas throughout the course.

To read more about online education, visit and read the complete article HERE.


Ijaza certificate
