Minhaj for Online Classes
Arabic & Islamic

Ramadan in Egypt
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Ramadan in Egypt

Ramadan in Egypt is different from any other country"... an expected answer of any visitor to Egypt in this holy month. All of his rites are a legitimate legacy of every civilization witnessed by the Nile Valley which gives this month a special flavor that differs from the rest of the Islamic countries.

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The Virtue of Ramadan
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

The Virtue of Ramadan

The purpose of the month of Ramadan is represented in many things that make fasting a meaningful and sublime duty.

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The Virtue of Charity
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

The Virtue of Charity

Abu Hurairah (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Sadaqah does not decrease property and Allah increases the honor of him who forgives and no one will humble himself for Allah’s sake except that Allah raises his status.” Related by Muslim.

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Hijrah (Macca to Medina)
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Hijrah (Macca to Medina)

The incident of Hijrah took place in the early seventh century where the early Muslims had to move from Makkah to Madinah seeking freedom where they can practice their religion freely.

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Classic Arabic  & Dialects
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Classic Arabic & Dialects

Learning Arabic differs from other foreign languages for native and non-native Arabic speakers alike. This is because Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the mother tongue of no one.

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Islam is Peace
Rajab Kamaluden Rajab Kamaluden

Islam is Peace

ALL human beings without exceptions are descendants of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them).  Regardless of their different genders, sexes and colors, they are all equal before ALLAH (saw). They are all created by ALLAH, the One and Only, who created this universe and made the heavens and earth.

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